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rocking since 1993


Soils and Foundation Investigation

Coast Geotech performs studies ranging from geologic reconnaissance level to complex geologic/geotechnical investigations for conventional to intricately designed residential, commercial and industrial development. Our laboratory includes a full range of rock and soil testing equipment to evaluate shear strength, compressibility, moisture content, gradation, and expansion potential, as well as other appropriate testing necessary for specific project requirements.

Earthwork Observation and Testing

Coast engineers have been involved with construction observation and testing services during earthwork operations, including placement and compaction of fills, over excavation and reconstruction of unstable slopes, earthen buttresses, installation of subdrains, placement of utility trench backfill, and placement of structural backfill behind retaining walls and foundations.  The firm offers materials testing services for private and public clients.

Slope Stability and Landslide Analysis

Coast engineers and geologists evaluate the mass behavior of slopes in soil and rock, and provide recommendations for stabilizing techniques. We understand studies of existing landslides, including analysis of causation factors and remediation or repair recommendations. We also provide instrumentation of slopes and excavations to monitor stability. Coast engineers and geologists also have experience installing and reading slope inclinometers, and evaluating shored excavations.

Man Digging
Construction Site
On-site Gravel Placement
Site Improvement and
Ground Stabilization

Coast engineers provide site improvement recommendations for  a variety of structures and conditions. We have a proven ability to provide innovation and cost effective solutions for our clients. Our engineers have preformed extensive site remediation and foundation stabilization prior to construction on marginally stable or saturated soils. Coast engineers use state of the art technology to determine placement and improvement criteria of soils. Our ground improvement methods includes Geogrid, wick drains, stone columns, Geotextile fabrics, and others.

Earthquake Engineering and
Geologic Hazards Investigations

Earthquake and geologic hazards can have a potentially devastating effect on facilities, and should be properly characterized early in the design phase in order to provide cost-effective mitigation and design solutions. Coast's geologic hazard study capabilities include fault location assignments, and generally involve evaluations of the following: soil liquefaction, slope stability, fault rupture hazard, fault trenching, seismic design criteria, strong ground movement, erosion, flooding, groundwater seepage, and other areas.

Site and Structure Seismic Response Analysis

Coast Geotech has extensive experience analyzing earthquake ground motions for both proposed and existing facilities. Establishing the ground motions for a specific site involves thorough evaluation of the seismic sources in the surrounding region (including possible blind thrusts); estimation of maximum magnitudes; calculation of peak horizontal and vertical ground accelerations and response spectra; and generation of acceleration time histories to represent the earthquake scenario.



Coast Geotech, established in 1993, is a veteran owned and operated geological and engineering consulting firm serving the greater San Diego area. The principals of the firm are state licensed and board certified in the field of geology, civil engineering, engineering geology, and geotechnical engineering. The principals collectively have more than 70 years of professional experience in the southern California area. 




P.G., E.G., Principal Engineering Geologist

A California professional Geologist and Certified Engineering Geologist with over 40 years experience. Extensive experience in landside investigations, fault studies, coastal bluff analysis ad mitigation geologic hazards characterize his career. Mr. Burwell is also a Vietnam veteran.


P.E., G.E., Principal Geotechnical Engineer

A California professional Civil Engineer and Certified Geotechnical Engineer with over 40 years experience. His experience includes foundation design, ground improvement and stabilization studies.


P.G., Project Geologist

A California professional Geologist with over five years experience.

Mr. McFarland specializes in geologic investigations and laboratory procedures.  He has graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Geology from the University of California, Los Angeles.


BA, MA, Public Relations

Ms. Ross is the general manager and our technical writer and editor. Ms. Ross has a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degrees in English.



Year Established
The strength of Coast Geotech is built upon personalized service to the client and the direct involvement of principals on the project resulting in coast effective design resolutions.


Coast Geotech provides soil testing and analyses for a variety of applications. All of our testing is in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ensuring reliable and accurate results. Our laboratory is run by experienced technicians utilizing state of the art equipment and reliable software. Our tests includes but are not limited to: Expansion Index, Grain Size Analysis, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content, Unit Weight and Moisture Content, Direct Shear, and Consolidation. Call or send a message if you are interested in utilizing this laboratory. Our laboratory is AASHTO Certified.




For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: (858) 755-8622 or fill out the following form

Thanks for submitting!


5931 Sea Lion Place, Suite 109

Carlsbad, CA 92010

Tel: (858) 755-8622



To apply for a job with Coast Geotech, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to:


779 Academy Drive

Solana Bach, CA 92075


© 2019 by Coast Geotech, Inc.

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